Foundation Venuste Niyongabo

For any information, doubt or question, do not hesitate to contact us. We will reply as soon as possible!

If you’d like to provide us with your feedback, schedule an interview with our spokespersons, or simply want to learn more about our work, please don’t hesitate to contact our team.

In which area do you want to volunteer?

Collaboration to promote health improvement with the help of doctors, nurses can lead to the training of local specialists able to address the main challenges in the following areas:

General surgery, gynecology-obstetrics, cardiology, dermatology, neurology, psychology, ophthalmology, infectious diseases, haematology, microbiology, virology, clinical immunology and tropical diseases, oncology, etc.

Offering a donation is sharing the meaning of life to affirm the right to health, access to periodic medical check-ups for:

  • basic/specialist care during pregnancy
  • assistance in the delicate moment of childbirth
  • assistance in the very first days of life of their children
  • highly qualified nursing staff

    Contact Us

      Write Us on WhatsApp


      Our Head Quarter

      Quartier Industrial, Avenue Maragarazi, N 5 P. O. Box 6834. Bujumbura - Burundi

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