FVN’s mission is to contribute to the improvement of the quality of services, infrastructures and means in the fields of education, health, development of the rural world and environmental protection with a view to sustainable socio-economic development.
The following activities will be carried out:
- Identification of children from socio-economically disadvantaged families and contribution to their schooling;
- Contribution to the improvement of school infrastructures and the quality of education in areas considered to be a priority for the sustainable development of the country;
- Creation of refresher centres for teaching staff through professional training;
- Training of unemployed young people by learning some jobs in order to improve their living conditions;
- Support and start-up, always in collaboration with the public authorities, of any socio-economic and sporting activity aimed at improving the living conditions of the population;
- Contribution to the improvement of agricultural production by multiplying selected seeds and setting up processing units;
- Taking charge of health care for vulnerable people;
- Creation and setting up of a medical reference laboratory to allow the population to have quality health care;
- Promotion and assistance for the creation and construction of health centres and hospitals with the constant concern to facilitate access to care;
- Population awareness of community care for vulnerable people for universal and equal access to health care
- Support and encouragement of the population towards reforestation initiatives and the use of renewable energies;
- Creation of waste recycling and renewable energy production units to protect the environment;
- Development and rehabilitation of tourist sites to promote tourism in Burundi;
- Establishment of partnerships with national and international organizations with similar objectives.